Leveling Up My Programming Skills

Welcome to my accountability blog.

Emily Cobbs
2 min readApr 15, 2022
Image of a woman looking at a wall of code. The code is reflected in her glasses. image by geralt.

My day job is teaching Computer Science to elementary students and, honestly, it is way too much fun. I get to hang out with cute kids, create and play computer games with them, make cool art, and learn new skills. By grade 5 my students can make a number guessing game using Python, a platformer on scratch.mit.edu, and a basic webpage using HTML and CSS.

As fun as all this is the programming I actually get to use in my day to day is pretty rudimentary. Sometimes I look at the projects grade 12 students at my school are making and instantly get an headache. Of course, those grade 12 students didn’t make those projects with magic. They have been learning and practicing regularly.

The last few years I have been focusing on developing my skills as a teacher and fine tuning the lessons I teach. Now that I have that (relatively) hammered out it’s time for me to devote some time to my own programming portfolio. Mostly to show those grade 12 students who’s boss.

Long-term goals:

Code for 1 hour a day

Develop python skills to make some cool programs to show off to my students.

Create my own website with some cool JavaScript to show off skills.

Brush up on my Java skills. Maybe with a 100 days of code challenge?

Goals for April 2022:

Udemy Zero to Mastery Python Developer — finish through section 19. Estimated 2 hours a week.

Automate the boring stuff with Python-Read and complete exercises for 1 chapter a week. Estimated 2 hours a week.

Colt Steel’s Web developer Udemy Course — finish through section 23 (section 19 already completed). Estimated 2 hours a week.



Emily Cobbs
Emily Cobbs

Written by Emily Cobbs

I’m a teacher and a programmer. Join me as I learn.

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